What is New Faith Academy?

Best Daily Bible Blog

What is New Faith Academy?

Well I’m glad you asked.

No, we are not a high school located down south.

We’re a brand new online community for Christians, who are seeking a higher calling in life. If you are ever feeling bored, lonely or unfulfilled, you have stumbled upon the right site.

What is New Faith Academy?

New Faith Academy is the no. 1 resource for all things modern Christianity. If you’re like me, you recently found your calling to God one way or the other, we all have our own story to tell. Feel free to leave yours in the comment section. But for me, I kept feeling like there was more to life than waking up at the same time each day, throwing on my clothes, brushing my teeth and heading to work. Rinse and repeat the next day.

I was feeling burnt out, tired and unfulfilled! It wasn’t until I kept being called to religion that I finally listened and started exploring. Within a few days I got hooked on reading random passages on the Bible app (highly suggest downloading it if you haven’t already) and kept relating to a lot of the messaging conveyed. I guess I’m not your stereotypical Christian. I live in New York City currently and do not attend church every Sunday. It’s not for lack of desire. It’s for lack of having that community here. So without that community present, I decided to start my own.

What makes us different? We’re not pretentious, we’re not judgmental and we’re all here to support one another. It’s not every person for themselves. I personally find so much of what’s wrong with the modern world that we lack true connections with one another. The rampant use of social media makes for people showing off only the absolute best parts of their lives. Not their actual day-to-day struggles. We all have them.

What Does the Name ‘New Faith Academy’ Mean?

Another great question… The name simply means that it’s an ‘academy’ for those new to faith. There will be plenty of blog posts about the best bible passages, proverbs, etc. that will make them easy to understand. I searched endlessly for a blog like this and could not find one.. Hopefully this will stick! Anyway, I brainstormed the name and tried to come up with something trendy and marketable and arrived at New Faith Academy. Hopefully you like it to!

What can I Expect From this Site?

A daily blog post, list content (best verses, etc.) and an authentic connection with God! I want to make it as simple as possible to understand everything. And no, I am not a religion guru. I am very much still a student of God and hope to learn from our readers too! I love gaining knowledge and wisdom from everyone in my life. I got so hooked on reading the book of proverbs, that I decided to write my own, which you can view here. I expect to have the same journey for anything else that I think we could all learn and relate to.

I’m so happy to have you all here on this journey together!

God bless,

R.W. Reese


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