Why Am I Embarrassed About Being Christian?

Why Am I Embarrassed About My Faith

Why Am I Embarrassed About Being Christian?

Why am I embarrassed about being Christian?

So it dawned on me this morning.

I recently launched my first Christian booked titled ‘The Daily Proverbs‘ and I’ve been embarrassed to tell many of my family and friends about it.


Well let’s see. Because being a Christian in today’s world feels taboo. It feels like spreading God’s word – OR – even finding meaning in what the scripture said is wrong.

It’s not wrong, it’s right.

Just as any practicing member of religion, whether you’re Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc., we should be proud of our faith.

You wouldn’t even think about verbally attacking or mocking one of the aforementioned religions. So why do people mock Christianity?

If you inject a favorite bible passage anything concerning God into a conversation, there will be at least one person in the group, who rolls their eyes, they may even scoff or laugh.

This isn’t fair. We should all be celebrated for our beliefs, that’s what makes us individual. That’s what makes us children of God. If you’re an atheist, so be it! I wouldn’t judge you. Nor should you judge me for being Christian and believing in a higher power (God).

In fact, it feels like one group of people, (which happens to be a political party in the United States), is particularly unforgiving to Christianity. I’m not taking sides here. I don’t care what political party you are. But how can one party claim to be the party for “everyone” when their messaging specifically goes against practicing Christians?

I suppose that’s part of the reason I’m apprehensive about being open with my faith. Maybe living in New York City, where it’s especially ridiculed, has something to do with that too.

Either way it’s time to break free. It’s time to embrace who I am. To embrace my love of God and the quest for more of His knowledge. Spirituality and religion should be celebrated. Not divided.

It dawned on me that in order to be truly “free,” that I need to be me. And that happens to be Christian. God loving and God believing. So be it.

1 Comment
  • Chopin
    Posted at 20:47h, 19 October Reply

    Classic feeling in NYC. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

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